
Monday, November 13, 2017

Random Thoughts For a Rainy Monday

My boys and husband are BIG Arsenal "football" fans. Every Saturday morning, we tape the games so they can root for their favorite English Premier League team. I have my own current arsenal; it involves all the products I'm using on a daily basis to keep this "for sale" house looking clean and shiny.

I love both Method and Mrs. Meyer's cleaners, and since I was going through paper towels too quickly, I picked up some reusable Brillo wipes. Oh, Lemon Pledge too-not only to dust with, but it is great for stainless steel appliances. I must say, we've got this down since we can get ready for a showing in about 20 minutes; vacuum, counters shined, sinks wiped dry, dog and cat items hidden, lights on, soft music playing, air freshener sprayed. Yep, this is not our first house-selling rodeo.

Years ago I followed the blogger and author called "FLY Lady." She has really kept up with the times and even has a cell phone app now. "It all starts with a shiny sink." If you've never read any of her information, I highly recommend it. I might be getting a bit anal since I found myself clearing the prep counter before my husband had even had time to start eating his breakfast.

Notice the generic Day and Night Cold medicine mixed in with my arsenal of cleaners? Of course I'd get a scratchy throat and headache during a stressful time. I'm drinking lots of H20 and taking my vitamins. I blame our trip to IKEA on Veteran's Day. So many people...

Did our washing machine break last week? Of course, it did! I am SO grateful for my friend Dawn who lets me come over and use hers until our expensive part comes in so the expensive repairman can return to get it up and running.

"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5

I am still excited about the new adventure that is ahead for us and to live in the same town as three of my kids, but I will admit that the reality is sinking in a bit and I've been a bit down. I will REALLY miss this home and my friends. But then I think back to other times and other moves and I know that God really does have a purpose. This week my bible study is focusing on Joseph and in Genesis 45:8 it says, "So it was not you who sent me here, but God."

I also reread two of my previous blog posts that described my heart as we moved. If you take the time to read them, you might understand why we trust God so much with our next step. 
(The photo at the top was from a trip to Florida. I wish God would send another visual to us right now!)

Windows and Walls

(Our family's Yellow House: 1997-2010)
Looking Back...and a Five Year Blog Anniversary
The last sentence of this post I wrote sure applies to NOW: "I try to remember not to hold on too tightly to all we've been given. Who knows what the next five years might bring?"

We know that rainy November is not the ideal time to list and sell a home, so we'd really appreciate your prayers and referrals! Time to light a candle, sip some tea, and go shine my sink!

In His Grip, 
xo Jane

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