
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Some Favorites Right Now

I am heading to my childhood hometown of Carmel, Indiana tomorrow. I look forward to quality time with my Mom, sisters and extended family. I'll also get to catch up with a friend or two. I love meeting people who have been to or lived in Indiana. It's sort of a "me too" moment but in a good way. 

God has been using the gifts and talents of others to teach me a lot of soul lessons lately.
Here are five of my current favorites that might help or teach you too:


1. Podcast
I've always enjoyed reading the work of Emily P. Freeman, but I just subscribed to her kinda-new podcast series, "The Next Right Thing."  Trust me, you will love this. My pastor-friend recommended it to all the Mops Mommies last week. I've been listening to them on my walks and while I get ready in the morning.

2. Non-fiction Book
I'm reading Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst. The author is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, a writer, and speaker who somehow has looked inside my mind and heart to past feelings of rejection.  Everything she teaches us brings the reader back to the truth of God's love. Thankfully she is recovering both relationally and health-wise from her recent struggles with betrayal in her marriage and the diagnosis of breast cancer. 

3. Fiction Book
We are now officially in the season of living without a paycheck.  I'm reading Delicious! A Novel by Ruth Reichl, and the descriptions of how people "made-do" during WWII is quite fascinating. Knowing that lots of families have been through times of "making-do" and that God will provide, is helpful. When I'm with my Mom I want to ask her to recall more memories from that time-period in her life. I love history and historical fiction. Plus, this book has delightful food descriptions!

4. Healthy App
Are you drinking enough water each day? I now have the app called "Plant Nanny." Each time you record drinking a bottle of water, the pretend plant grows. It appears I have a brown-thumb for cell-phone plants too. It was fun the first couple of days to get the reminders that my plant was thirsty, but then I turned off notifications so now I'm not doing as well... It appears I have a brown-thumb for real and pretend plants.

5. Worship Song
The song "Reckless Love" just keeps running through my head. It was written by Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver, and Ran Jackson of Bethel Music. (He will leave the ninety-nine to come after you...) 

I am looking forward to seeing lots of my very favorite faces this weekend. 
My sweet IN family at Christmas.

I also plan to enjoy a few favorite Midwest dishes and possibly stop into three of my favorite shops; Evereve, Altar'd State and the boutique called ReStyled. Oh, there's also a great consignment shop called "Amanda's Exchange"! I know, my shopping budget is slim-to-none, but even looking is fun!

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Thanks for stopping by SJL (See Jane Learn.) I hope you get to enjoy some of your favorites this weekend!

In His Grip,
xo Jane

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