
Monday, October 2, 2017

Small Things Matter

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

I saw the importance of small things mattering first-hand when I was home visiting my Mom in Indiana last week. Due to her advanced age (almost 91!), her body is not behaving well and she depends on my sisters and her neighbors for little favors.

Millie buys her bananas each week, a gal from her church brings by the church bulletin each Sunday, and my retired brother-in-law drives her to the hairdresser each Friday morning. Both my sisters work full-time and don't live very close, and yet they take turns swinging over to The Barrington ( A Senior Living Center) to run a few errands for Mom, empty her trash, and do any other odds and ends. Their kindnesses allow her to continue staying in her "independent living" apartment. 

One of her friends down the hall took a NASTY fall on concrete before I arrived, resulting in a broken wrist and stitches on her forehead,  not to mention all the bruising. It warmed my heart to see the sign-up sheet taped to her door entitled, "Help Jo!" Every day people are bringing her meals or keeping her company. 

In order to have neighbors who are friends, you must BE a good neighbor. I learned this early from my thoughtful Mama. She drives around her residence on her scooter, delivering little Birthday notes and candy. I know she'd do more if her health would allow it... 

Mike and I are thankful for great neighbors who help with our pets, share their garden's bounty, keep an eye on our place when we travel, and even text if we accidentally put out the wrong recycling bin.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31

I had a fun visit with my Mom, sisters, and extended family while in Indiana. Even though I missed my 40th High School reunion (Gasp! How can 40 years have flown by?!), I navigated through my childhood hometown with ALL the roundabouts, saw a dear friend, hit a couple favorite shops, and survived 90+ degree temps and no Internet connection. I also helped my Mom clean out her closet and refrigerator. Little things to me... BIG to her!

Hi-lights of my Hoosier trip were lunch out together at Harry & Izzy's, spending Saturday on my sister's Pontoon boat "Gracie Blue,"  and meeting my adorable great-nieces, Tatum and Maren.

Last night's tragedy in Las Vegas is on all of our minds and hearts today. How can one evil man inflict that much death and injury? Despite the horror, LOVE wins. If we can't physically help the victims and their families, we CAN love on the people in our vicinity and lift up prayers.

Please join me in lifting up the families of the 58+ individuals who perished at the concert and the 500+ people who were injured. Pray also for the police, first responders, medical community and hotel staff who are dealing with the aftermath. I can't begin to imagine the horror...

Do small things with great love...and may you know the hope that is found in Christ Jesus.

In His Grip,
xo Jane

Thank you for reading SJL!

heart photo image:

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