
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Happy House Anniversary!

Labor Day weekend marked our third anniversary of living in our current home! Being the "name everything" person that I am, originally I named it "Cloud Nine" and then renamed it "Carver Cottage." Do you name your homes and cars?

My three teacher kids are back in the classroom, mornings are cool and darker, and Fall is in the air. (Right now smoke is in the air from the fires being battled in Cle Elum, WA. Praying for the firefighters and people who have lost their homes.)

We've had a wonderful summer here in the PNW, and even though I love Fall, I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to sunny days and riding around with my convertible top down...

My rock-star husband has continued to beautify the yard, he built a shed and is almost finished upgrading our deck railing to metal and cable. Here's how it used to look:

It is ALMOST finished...

Here are some things I LOVE about where we live:

 The view from our deck:

Beauty on my walks:

Living near the park and Civic center:

That one winter day we got snow.

Hosting fire pits:

These two seem pretty content:

 Our kids enjoy coming home to visit:

Thor is loved.

My favorite room is still our Master Bath:

We love being able to walk down to community events with friends:

Last night we celebrated the end of Summer by having our next door neighbors 
over for a Labor Day "shrimp boil!" New Tradition!

Note to self: Do not leave leftover food on the table, and the dog alone in the house while you have dessert on the deck...

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

Choose and scatter JOY!

In His Grip,
xo Jane

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