Mike found this message on our kitchen island during Spring Break.
My four children have the best father anyone could hope for. He’s been nurturing, teaching, encouraging and providing for them since the first baby was born 25 years ago. I had NO idea that the man I married would be such an amazing father, but I am blessed to share the role of parent with him.
All our kids have a special relationship with Mike, but there’s something about daddies and daughters. Moms and daughters sometimes “butt heads” (at least at my house) yet Mike can calmly talk to his girls about anything.
“Impress them (commands and laws) on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:7
A couple months ago he sent each of the girls a loving letter giving them advice for the future and what to look for in a future husband. He had finished a class at our Illinois church and was passing on wisdom that he had learned. I love that he is able to verbalize to them not to “settle”. He knows how hard marriage can be and how wonderful it can be and he desires for them to be equally yoked.
Michael and Allie-graduation weekend.
Vaughn Dube’ Story was my daddy. He had three daughters and I'm the "baby". He was an amazing man of integrity and was one of the kindest men I’ve ever known. His mother was a Christian but he never talked about faith or attended church. (I think she was all about the rules of religion rather than a relationship so he got "turned off"...)
During my childhood my daddy would get my big sisters and I off to school before he would drive to his office in downtown Indianapolis.I remember the little things he always did; he ironed for us, picked me up from cheerleading practice and let me work as his secretary sometimes during the summer. He always took me to the Indianapolis Press Club for lunch and showed me off to all his friends. He passed away in January of 1993...too soon.He had been on the town council and the mayor even had all the flags in our town flown at half-mast in his honor. I choose to believe that he asked Jesus into his heart at some point and is waiting for me in Heaven. I miss him very much.
Last week I attended my youngest daughter’s Young Life Campaigner small group. The discussion was on their personal relationship with God. I listened to my daughter as she described God as her Daddy in Heaven. Oh, she is a lucky girl to have an earthly father who has raised her up in a way that she trusts and loves her creator like a Dad.
Michael and Sarah-being their usual goofy selves.
Do you know your heavenly father like a Daddy? “Abba Father” is there for you.
Wishing Michael, my father-in-law Richard, and all your husbands and Dads a Happy Father’s Day!!
In His Grip, Jane
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