(Mike, looking good as we take a break from shopping & walking.)
I’ve been off the computer due to my #2 child graduating from Whitworth University. Whoot! Now, back to memories of Rome…
Michael had to be at a meeting Monday morning. I had plans to go down for breakfast and people watch, but when he returned at 11:00, he found me-still sleeping!! We headed out to explore and find lunch. A local businessman directed us to a café. After lasagna for me and spaghetti with meat sauce for Mike, we began our walk. I wasn’t feeling “pretty” since I couldn’t find my make-up case-only the concealer, blush and mascara I’d popped in my purse. Apparently I’d left my cosmetic bag back in Illinois! We found a shop called Upim which was sort of like a small Macy’s. I was able to find some make-up so I would feel better being around all the beautiful Europeans.
We popped in a few shops, enjoyed our first cup of Gelato, saw a beautiful church and spent our afternoon people watching.
The plan for Monday night was to take the night walk to the Spanish steps with three other couples and eat on the way. We ate Al Fresco under a lit awning with heaters. We had a map but the six of us seemed to be having trouble looking for the right direction. (I missed the unit on map-reading skills…)
Mother Nature decided not to cooperate, but the rain didn’t dampen our spirits. We stopped off to grab a coffee & brandy to warm up. We sat outside under umbrellas. Best line of the week: we asked a young police officer, “Taxi?” and his response was, “No, I’m a Policeman…”
We stood in the rain waiting without umbrellas (traveling tip,carry one!) until we finally caught some taxis and headed back to the hotel. Unlike my routine of climbing into bed at 9:30, we sat up with friends until almost midnight. The “other group” staying at our swanky hotel was also up.
A pyramid marketing company from the U.S. was also staying at our hotel having a reward trip. We nicknamed them “New Jersey”after the TV show. They had been rowdy and obnoxious on the plane and we were not delighted when we walked in and saw them in the lobby. They were all in their early twenties and dressed sort of like pimps. They drank WAY too much and were rude to the staff. We were embarrassed that they were representing America and hoped that people observing them didn’t think ALL Americans act like that when on vacation. I have no idea whether any of them were believers, and I'm sure many of them are really nice when in a different setting, but they weren't thinking about their company's or country's reputation...
"Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure and right." Proverbs 20:11
I started my day worried about my lack of make-up and was reminded that it’s what we look like on the inside that matters most…
Hey sweetie. I'm having fun reliving our trip. Love you tons and tons.