
Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've Been Searched

I unzipped, opened and started unpacking my suitcase when I discovered it. The tag board notice said, “Your bag was searched”. I wonder why they chose me? It’s not the first time.Was it because my suitcase just made it under the weight restriction? (I am not a light packer.) Did they like my “I love not camping” luggage tag and want to discover more about me?

It feels a bit like I’ve been violated. Sort of like being patted down by security. Granted, I want to be safe when I travel so I know I have to put up with long security lines, but it makes me curious. What showed up on the x-ray machine that forced them to take a closer look? Was my green suitcase, bought at T.J. Maxx really selected at random?

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”
Psalm 139:23

God is never random. He knows every thought I have, every move I’m going to make. Knowing that brings me comfort and anxiety. When will he choose to search my heart? I’m guessing all the time. Will he be pleased with what he finds? Hmmm, not always. Sometimes when I sin I even surprise myself. Like, really? Why did I do that, say that, etc.? My sin never surprises God though. Thankfully I can repent and start fresh each day.

“If you confess your sins, God will forgive you.”
1John 1:9

Do you act a certain way when you know others are watching, and then let down your guard when you’re alone? Blake Shelton has a new country song out, “Who Are You When I’m not looking?”

One of my Illinois girlfriends gave me one of my all-time favorite compliments. She said I always acted the same no matter who I was with. (Hopefully I’m acting appropriately.) I think the point is I don’t put on an act because I know God sees all and wants me to be “Jane” no matter who I'm with.

Are you transparent before the Lord? Do you know He can see right through all the “bull” to the real you? God is the ultimate scanner. He sees all and knows how we truly feel. Are you ready to be searched?

I wonder if I’ll get searched again when I fly “home” for Spring Break?

In His Grip, Jane

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