
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lessons Learned in December

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

I'm wishing all who read my tiny little blog a very Happy New Year!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with loved ones and that you had the opportunity to create moments to treasure. Here are six things I learned this month:

ALWAYS use your turn signal. Use your turn signal even if there isn’t a car behind you! Why? Well, because you just might be driving behind a sheriff who is watching you in his rearview mirror. Yes, he pulled over, and then pulled US over. My husband got a ticket for failing to signal (We were on the way to the hospital for a medical test for my back pain and then we got to add more $$$pain to our day.) Merry Christmas to you too Officer Un-friendly! (Imagine Miss Piggy's voice from The Muppets Christmas Carol.)

Saying you are simplifying the holiday season and not stressing over details could really just be procrastination.  Am I the only one who realized that putting off choosing pictures and ordering a Christmas card might transpire into NO cards being created and sent for 2013? It’s the first time that’s happened in 30 years of marriage! I’m still debating making and sending Happy New Year’s cards. Any thoughts? I also put off cookie baking, so there weren’t all the delicious choices stored in the freezer that I had envisioned. 

A weak Transverse abdominis might send you to the E.R. and if you’ve ever been pregnant or had a baby (or four), you shouldn’t do sit-ups. (I  learned the sit-up fact yesterday at Physical Therapy.) My PT gal explained that there are lots of other ways to strengthen my non-existent core muscles that are better for the female body. Why was I at Physical Therapy? Well, two weeks ago I lifted one of my favorite little people and apparently I didn’t have a strong Transverse abdominis and my back went “out”. The pain progressed enough that after I saw my Chiropractor, my doctor, and had a test, I ended up in E.R. the Saturday before Christmas where I received the gift of Narcotics.  I missed work, a meeting, a party, and basically was not my usual Jolly Jane in the days leading up to Christmas. We still managed to pull off our annual Open House party that weekend thanks to my hubby and kids pitching in and me releasing some of my need for perfection. Every day my back gets a little better.

The latest People magazine said that Kerry Washington is expecting her first child. Does that mean Olivia Pope on Scandal gets to be pregnant too? If so, will the baby be President Fitzgerald’s or Jake Ballard’s? Have you been watching Scandal? 

Sappy holiday movies bring me so much joy! I love watching Christmas movies on Lifetime and the Hallmark channel. I need to start watching sweet movies throughout the year when my husband is out of town (They would balance out the intensity and gore of Scandal!) My very favorite one I watched was The Twelve Trees of Christmas. 

Sometimes your “word of the year” becomes more than just a “word”. I’ve decided parenting now that my "babies" are all in their twenties is a tad more challenging than when they were actual babies. I continue to want to protect our four kids but they get to make their own decisions now. I have to release control and trust God. Hmmm...TRUST was my word of the year for 2013 and now I need to really DO it.  My #2 child is moving to Nashville and the Jeep heads East in twelve days. (She hasn’t secured a job or a spot to live...she HAS heard and felt God calling her there, so in faith, she’s obeying. I get to road-trip across the country with her, visit my Mom and sisters on the way and TRUST that God is working out the details. (She just got a voicemail this morning that she has a teaching interview at a preschool when she arrives...can you please shoot up prayers for her?)

As 2013 draws to a close I am deciding on my new “word for the year”, looking around at decorations that need to be packed up and feeling thankful that I had all four of my children home this Christmas. I’ve been looking at pictures from our special week together knowing that even though I can’t know what  the future holds, I have memories to treasure. 
 “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

I’m linking up with Emily Freeman at Chatting at the Sky. What did you learn in December?

In His Grip, Jane

Photo source:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Count-downs at the Carver’s

Do you do count-downs at your house? We’ve got several going on and most of them are bringing me joy!

~2 days until my college boy gets home for Christmas break. Yay! He’s bringing his special girl for us to meet...

~10 days until our annual Open House. Hopefully I can keep the place clean and tidy until then!

~11 days until my hair appointment my oldest and his bride arrive. I’m SO excited to have all seven of us together for Christmas!! (Yes, I'm also excited to get my hair done.)

~One month until I hop in the Jeep with my daughter and road trip with her to Nashville. Mixed feelings on this countdown because it means she’s moving across the country. It means half my family will be living in the Midwest!

~13 days until Christmas. What? I’ve barely shopped for my family, the Christmas card hasn’t even been created let alone mailed, and I’ve only baked one batch of cookies. Even if I'm not ready for Christmas, it's coming. My heart is ready, and that's more important! 
Perhaps I’m finally learning not to hurry so much, but to cherish this Advent season. There are times when it’s OK to hurry. (Like the night the angels appeared to the shepherds.)

“They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger.” Luke 2:16

I’d like to think I’m thinking more about the gift of Jesus, than buying gifts. I’m treasuring this home and beautiful area I currently live in since I know it’s probably our last Christmas in this house and I’ve learned things change...
This was my view this morning on my walk. Yep, God creates beauty.

~Less than 3 hours until I leave for work. I can’t ignore this countdown; time to get busy!

In His Grip, Jane

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mrs. Fixit is Grappling

If there is a Star Trek, Next Generation remake, I might audition for the role of Counselor Deanna Troi. Her task was to feel what people were going through (extra sensory empathy). I apparently have the same ability, although in the bible it is called the "gift of mercy." If I hear sad news I can immediately put myself in their shoes. I imagine what they’re going through and my heart hurts for them~it is physically painful.

I have been in pain for a local family ever since I discovered early Thursday morning that there had been a horrendous house fire Wednesday night on the other side of our island. A very large waterfront home was burned quickly to the ground. That in itself is terribly tragic, but there was also loss of life. The Mom and two children made it out in time... the father and an eight year old little girl did not.

Amidst this season of Joy a terrible, horrific event like this occurred and I can’t “fix” it. I couldn’t sleep Thursday night; even though I’d taken a sleep aide, my mind and heart were more powerful than the meds. I kept thinking about the survivors. Perhaps God needed me awake to pray? Praying didn’t seem like enough. 

I grappled with God. I know God doesn’t cause evil things to happen in our fallen world; He was just as devastated that his children died. But that is where I grapple. (One definition in the Webster dictionary is “to come to grips with: wrestle”.) Why couldn’t the whole family get out in time?
I am a fixer~sort of like the character in the Busytown books by Richard Scarry. If someone has a problem, I want to solve it. My hubby reminds me that it’s not my job to fix things and always be thinking up solutions. My job is to listen, trust, and point people to Jesus. He is the only one who can ultimately bring comfort and peace and he doesn't mind if we wrestle with him. 

Even in times of great sadness there can be moments of joy and laughter. I celebrated joy yesterday at a sweet baby girl’s one year birthday party. There is nothing cuter than a baby without a shirt on, diving into a chocolate cake! 
Life is a gift that we must cherish daily. Christmastime reminds all of us that the best gift EVER given was the sweet baby Jesus.

The outpouring of love for the Babson family has been tremendous. Gifts of money, clothes, items, meals and prayers have been flowing in. Please join me in praying for Dr. Babson’s family. You can find out more here.

In His Grip, Jane