
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What I Learned in August

Happy September! I'm taking a break from the packing (kitchens are brutal) to share what I learned in August. I'm linking up with Emily Freeman at Chatting at the Sky.

I got a bit behind in my laundry last week. ..
1.Clutter and packing brings dogs anxiety. Our poor puppy does not understand what is going on. She looks at us like we're crazy as she navigates around the packing paper, boxes and the mess. Oh Sydney, soon you will be in your new backyard and taking walks discovering new places! The boxes might still be around for a while though...

2.Audible, Pandora and Netflix make packing tolerable. No explanation needed.

3.I am GLAD I'm not getting any children K-12 ready for Back-to-School. College kids are sort of easier. Except the goodbye and the bill$. If you were a child of the 70's like I was, you HAVE to read this blog!!! Hilarious! Here I am looking mod in my senior picture. Note the cool shiny blouse.

4.Henry Winkler isn't just "The Fonz." He's a great actor, director, producer, and also an author and speaker. He wrote a series of children's books and he is passionate about getting the word out about Dyslexia. Both he and his son were diagnosed several years ago. My Mom heard him speak when he visited the retirement center where she lives. 

5.Outdoor baptisms are the best! Depending on your faith and denomination, you might think baptisms mean either getting sprinkled or dunked. Once a year our church, Chapel Hill Presbyterian, does this sacrament outdoors in Puget Sound. It was so special to watch children and adults publicly profess their faith and then have one of our Pastors lean them gently back all the way in the water. 

6.Sometimes the tests on Facebook are accurate! I took the "where should you live test" and I got Italy! My results said: "You are complex person, yet you enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Your idea of a great day is to spend some time by the water, or have coffee next to your favorite landmark, then follow it up with a fantastic meal with Mediterranean cuisine and excellent wine. You believe life is not for working too hard, but for enjoying the fruits of the earth, and you are more than happy to take a siesta. You are a lover of culture, and thrive in a town or city where you get to know those around you in depth. You appreciate fine architecture, art, music, and film, and need to be in a culture that values those mediums."
Yep, yep, yep. All of the above. Except...I don't speak the language and then I'd be even farther from my kids! Guess I just need to take more vacations there. Since moving to Italy isn't going to happen anytime soon, how about I concentrate on packing for our REAL move that happens next Saturday?!

Now it's your turn! What did you learn in August??

In His Grip, Jane

Photo Sources:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1 AT gmail DOT com :-) I greatly appreciate it!
