
Thursday, March 8, 2012

See Jane Move: They Call Him Cargo

Our count-down to move continues. Today is our last day before the moving van pulls up. Our to-do plans for today; ship the cat (more on that in a minute, head to Batavia to sign legal papers, pick up dry cleaning & prescriptions, pack the last boxes, do a quick clean before the buyers swing by, say goodbye to our oldest son and return him his Wii and computer, and empty the refrigerator. I'm sure I've forgotten something...Oh-mike has a "drug test" for his new job.

This is travel day for Tigger, and he is NOT excited. Due to his personality and high self-esteem, he assumed he would be flying 1st class in a comfy leather seat. He is stuffed into a small crate that American Airlines specified for his flight out to Washington. I'm sure he would like to break out like the dinosaur in the picture above. (That photo was taken Saturday as we drove by the Indianapolis Children's Museum. Maybe the dinos heard the news Peyton is leaving the Colts and they're busting out to follow him...)  

American Airlines call our cat a cargo shipment. We call him Tigger, Tig, hey Big Boy, Tiggie Biggie; you get the idea...Tig is our beloved pet, not just 13+ pounds of cargo. Our daughter will pick him up at SeaTac and deliver him to "camp" (the Purdy Women's Prison) where he'll spend the next week. Moving is stressful for everyone in the family.
My daily yoga app sort of came to a screeching halt when the boxes took over the basement and living room. That Zen feeling has disappeared as workers arrive each day to take care of "the list" issues. Yesterday was clean the mold out of the attic day, (They wore suits like astronauts as if our house was dangerous.) Me attempting to do a "downward dog" probably wasn't what the worker guys needed to see. By 5:00 each day I've been ready for a Cosmo instead of a "sun salutation"..

I'd better get ready for the day before Mike returns from O'Hare with stories of Tigger in the cargo hold. Hopefully our kitty trusts us as much as we're trusting God with each detail of this move and I know I am His beloved.
 To be continued...

In His Grip, Jane
(I just received a hot Starbucks mocha and donut-yum!)

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