
Thursday, June 17, 2010


If you used to watch the show Cheers, you remember how everyone would shout Norm’s name when he entered Sam’s bar. Feeling known and welcomed is really important to most people-especially me.
After 13 years in my town, I have made hundreds of connections. Between four kids, our church, sport teams, 3+ schools and being a teacher, I usually always run into people I know.  It is so comforting to have people recognize me. As a child I was “known” because I was one of the Story girls and my mom was a respected teacher in town.
 I think about starting over in a new town next week and it scares me.  I know eventually I’ll make new friends, but it will be harder since I’ll just have one in high school and Mike will be at his new office all day.
My father-in-law reminded me you never “lose” friends, you just make more. The Girl Scout song, “Make New Friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold” is running through my head…
Am I alone in wanting to be recognized? I’m terrible with names but I always remember faces.  Someday when I’m standing before Jesus, I want Him to recognize my face AND know my name.  I pray it is already written in His book because I love and know Him. In Daniel 12:1 it says: “But at that time your people--everyone whose name is found written in the book--will be delivered.”  
For now, I’ll just need to give this friend-making, name & face thing some time- or maybe I can convince people that name tags are a cool accessory…

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