
Thursday, February 13, 2025

So This Is Love


was searching through my jewelry box (the one stored in my closet that contains items I hardly ever wear but can’t part with-yet…) I pulled out some heart Brighton earrings (anyone else a huge fan twenty years ago?.At the bottom I found the treasures pictured above. My third child, who’s now 33, made me the beautiful jeweled puzzle pin in preschool or kindergarten. I have always adored it, along with the sparkly smiley heart crafted by one of his siblings. Even though my four are all grown up, this mama still remembers all those sweet valentines I received when they were little. Anyone else a “sentimental hoarder?”

Certain items or photos zoom me back to another time in our family’s history. My oldest son just wrote about memories and got me thinking. You can read his post here:

Speaking of my oldest son Mitch, he has a momentous occasion happening on Saturday. After several years of heartache and a first marriage that ended in divorce, he will be marrying a wonderful woman who we are thrilled to have join our family. We love seeing the evidence of many prayers being answered.

Due to Valentines Day being tomorrow, there has been a lot of talk about love; both on TV and in church. The world focuses on feelings, passion, and gifts of jewelry, flowers, candy, and cards. I always appreciate gifts from my husband, but I’m also learning more and more about the Bible’s definition of love. 

Love is patient and kind.

Love is not boastful or proud or rude.

It does not demand its own way.

It keeps no record of being wronged.

It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices 

whenever the truth wins out.

Love never gives up, never loses faith,

Is always hopeful and

endures through every circumstance.

When I married Mike 41 years ago I didn’t really understand the vows I was taking or the meaning of 1Corinthians 13:4-7. In my immaturity and baby faith I was focusing on wedding rather than the marriage.

Our pastor challenged us Sunday to insert our name in place of the words “love” or “It.” Try it. We all fall short… Then he said to replace our names with Jesus. His love never changes, never fails.

My husband and I have certainly been learning more about love and marriage during the last six months because of cancer. During and after a very difficult season we have experienced the loving kindness and equipping from God. Now we get to celebrate how God is writing the next happy chapter not only in our lives but also in our oldest son and Lyndsey’s lives. We can’t WAIT to head to Vegas and celebrate as a family of ten plus Lyndsey’s mom and a few close friends! We are so grateful that Mike is well enough to make the trip! (Packing some shakes and diced peaches!)

Only two days until the wedding! Wishing you all a Happy Valentines Day! May you experience love from God and your favorite people.

Three things will last forever—

faith, hope, and love—

and the greatest of these is love.

1Corinthians 13:13

In His Grip, Jane

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