
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What I Learned in September

Every day I'm learning new things; I Google out of curiosity, read books and magazines (and lots of blogs) and God is always teaching me things through his word and the people he puts in my life. September was a lovely month here in the Northwest and here are the lessons learned that stood out to me:

1. Don't put your dog on Steroids for an allergic reaction the week after moving into a new home. Poor Sydney. She couldn't control her bladder, and like a senior, she'd tinkle a bit every time she stood up and not even realize it! We'll be shampooing our carpets again soon...

2. Spend the extra money to buy good flea meds, not generic. If you buy a cheaper version rather than Frontline, you will give your dog a BAD reaction which sends you to the Vet (Over $200 later and did I mention the accidents on our carpet?...) The book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie comes to mind.

3. If you turn 21 on a Monday, you will discover that the DMV is closed which means you can't get your new Driver's License. Yes, this happened to my baby girl. She did manage to have several legal cocktails due to understanding bartenders in Spokane. She's finally legal! 

4. I was intrigued by the meanings of my first and last names. I can't remember what made me want to look up the meanings but Jane means "gift of God or Jehovah is gracious" (thanks Mom and Dad!) and my maiden name Story means "dweller by large and rough water." (This fits since we live right by Puget Sound, but I grew up in the Midwest where the only water was a creek. Plus Story is my middle name now...)

5. The latest Rite Aid commercial is reminding me I probably should go get a flu shot. When I taught Preschool and Kindergarten I usually got one. Now that I spend my days in a baby store where little ones come and go and the general public touches lots of our pretty things I probably should do more than frequent hand-washing to protect myself from germs.

6. The series "Outlander" on the Starz network is timely! I found it ironic that last week there was a vote over in Scotland to decide if they would separate from the United Kingdom and the "Outlander" TV show incorporates the fight for freedom back in 18th century Scotland. (Along with  featuring time-travel and romance.)

7. I don't need to participate in "National Coffee Day." Apparently there was a day set aside for coffee this week and I didn't hear read about it until bedtime. No worries... every day is coffee day for me. My mornings always include a big mug of Pike Place blend brewed at home with a mixture of hot 1% milk and fat free half & half. 

8. Yesterday I found "TDN" on my laptop, which stands for "The Design Network." I can watch short videos (usually under 5 minutes) about decorating or cooking. Three of my favorites are "Holiday Decorating with Girls with Glasses," "The Lettered Cottage," and "Entertaining with Beth." 

9. I have discovered one of my unofficial roles: to change the rolls in bathrooms! Everywhere I go I seem to be the one who needs to replace an empty toilet tissue roll with a new, full one. I might be at home, at work, or at a friend's home. I'm really not exaggerating. Almost every day I seem to be replacing a roll somewhere. Perhaps I'm like the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz who felt it was his job to oil all the squeaky gates with his oil can. I hope I'm taking care of a small task that makes life a bit easier for the next person. 

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." Helen Keller

10. Great Champagne doesn't have to be expensive. One of our local restaurants always greets their customers with a free glass of bubbly and it's really delicious. The waitress shared where we could find their brand ($8 a bottle) and so I headed over to Tacoma to buy some in case we had reason to celebrate. About one day later, we received the news that our Nashville daughter had found a job. Certainly an answered prayer that deserved to be toasted. We're super excited that she gets to come here for a visit next week before her new job begins! Good thing I bought a second bottle!

Did you have moments worthy of celebrating? Learn any new random facts? I'm linking up with Emily P. Freeman at Chatting at the Sky. I'd love to hear about things you've been learning.

In His Grip, 
Jane       Thank you for stopping by See Jane Learn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dealing With Some Changes

Our family’s picture might be in a Webster Dictionary beside the description of change


 verb \ˈchānj\
: to become different
: to make (someone or something) different
: to become something else

All seven of our family members (plus the pets) are going through some type of change...  
Here's what the Carver family has been up to:

We moved! We are settling into our new home in downtown Gig Harbor. The location is amazing; close to shops, restaurants, church, the highway. I can even walk to my job! 

It is really different than living 25 minutes out on the tip of an Island. We are so grateful that God lead us to “Cloud Nine.” (More on the name of our place in a future post...) We still can’t park our cars in the garage yet, but most of the house has been unpacked. 

Our oldest son and his wife left Chicago in July, and are back from their “funemployment” vacation overseas. They are temporarily living in Fort Collins, Colorado until they move to L.A. in the fall and they’re actively looking for jobs...

Our Nashville daughter just found a first grade teaching position that starts mid-October. This former first grade teacher Mama is thrilled for her! She’ll be great and her class will be blessed.

Our just-graduated “Man-Cub” is on the journey of deciding whether to find a career-type job or apply for grad school. In the meantime, hopefully he’ll find something to pay for his rent and groceries!

After a year back home completing her Associate Degree at our local community college, baby girl moved back to Whitworth University. She loves her new off-campus house and roomies, and just began a practicum in a local high school art class for her teaching degree. She also loves getting to hang out with her big brother!

Sydney is trying to figure out where her neighbor dog friends are and why her Mama hasn’t been taking her on daily walks lately. (My excuse is unpacking and kids visiting. And yesterday the rain returned...) She seems to be adjusting to her new fenced-in backyard and is recovering from an allergic reaction to cheap, generic flea meds.

Tigger has adjusted well for a 14 year old kitty. He’s hanging in the garage, venturing out occasionally to wander around the yard, and even spending time with us on the couch or on Sydney’s bed.

Change. Sometimes it’s scary. Sometimes it is our choice and sometimes it is thrust upon us. Thankfully this "I like things to stay the same girl" is learning that often change is for the best and that God goes before us and is for us!

Change. It's a verb. Things are happening... I am changing... Our empty-nester marriage is evolving...Our kid's lives are becoming something else... It's new and exciting!

"See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:19

In His Grip, 
Jane          Thank you for stopping by See Jane Learn!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What I Learned in August

Happy September! I'm taking a break from the packing (kitchens are brutal) to share what I learned in August. I'm linking up with Emily Freeman at Chatting at the Sky.

I got a bit behind in my laundry last week. ..
1.Clutter and packing brings dogs anxiety. Our poor puppy does not understand what is going on. She looks at us like we're crazy as she navigates around the packing paper, boxes and the mess. Oh Sydney, soon you will be in your new backyard and taking walks discovering new places! The boxes might still be around for a while though...

2.Audible, Pandora and Netflix make packing tolerable. No explanation needed.

3.I am GLAD I'm not getting any children K-12 ready for Back-to-School. College kids are sort of easier. Except the goodbye and the bill$. If you were a child of the 70's like I was, you HAVE to read this blog!!! Hilarious! Here I am looking mod in my senior picture. Note the cool shiny blouse.

4.Henry Winkler isn't just "The Fonz." He's a great actor, director, producer, and also an author and speaker. He wrote a series of children's books and he is passionate about getting the word out about Dyslexia. Both he and his son were diagnosed several years ago. My Mom heard him speak when he visited the retirement center where she lives. 

5.Outdoor baptisms are the best! Depending on your faith and denomination, you might think baptisms mean either getting sprinkled or dunked. Once a year our church, Chapel Hill Presbyterian, does this sacrament outdoors in Puget Sound. It was so special to watch children and adults publicly profess their faith and then have one of our Pastors lean them gently back all the way in the water. 

6.Sometimes the tests on Facebook are accurate! I took the "where should you live test" and I got Italy! My results said: "You are complex person, yet you enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Your idea of a great day is to spend some time by the water, or have coffee next to your favorite landmark, then follow it up with a fantastic meal with Mediterranean cuisine and excellent wine. You believe life is not for working too hard, but for enjoying the fruits of the earth, and you are more than happy to take a siesta. You are a lover of culture, and thrive in a town or city where you get to know those around you in depth. You appreciate fine architecture, art, music, and film, and need to be in a culture that values those mediums."
Yep, yep, yep. All of the above. Except...I don't speak the language and then I'd be even farther from my kids! Guess I just need to take more vacations there. Since moving to Italy isn't going to happen anytime soon, how about I concentrate on packing for our REAL move that happens next Saturday?!

Now it's your turn! What did you learn in August??

In His Grip, Jane

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